What will we eat in the future? Climate change, population growth and limited resources make this question more topical than ever. One possible answer could be: Vegetables from the sea.
As part of the “Meer-Essen” project, Lara Stuthmann from the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT), in cooperation with Dr. Martina Osmers from the Chemistry School Laboratory at the University of Bremen, wants to dispel the scepticism of younger generations towards algae-based foods.
To increase the acceptance of seaweed as a foodstuff, schoolchildren learn about various seaweeds as living creatures, useful plants and food in a playful way. What does seaweed taste like? What is in it? Is it healthy? All these questions are discussed in the school laboratory and explored with many experiments.
The school project was launched in December 2022. With its funding, the Intalcon Foundation wants to encourage young people to think outside the box and ensure that this special project can continue. The project is also supported by the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU), the University of Bremen Foundation and the Kellner & Stoll Foundation.

Vegetables from the sea?
In Asian countries, algae have long been an integral part of the diet as a healthy and sustainably produced food and already make up most of the marine aquaculture production. In Germany, however, seaweed is still relatively unknown as a sea vegetable. The advance of sea vegetables on German plates seems to be hindered by a certain aversion in this country, as they are perceived as a nuisance, especially when swimming in the sea or walking on the beach.
However, marine algae are not only healthy thanks to ingredients such as unsaturated fatty acids, proteins, minerals and antioxidants, they also taste great! In addition, the cultivation of sea vegetables requires significantly less fresh water, fertiliser and arable land compared to agriculture.
The experiments, extensive information and tastings are designed to allay pupils' fears and scepticism about algae as food.

The initiators
Dr Lara Stuthmann is a marine biologist at the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research with a focus on aquaculture research. In her doctoral thesis, she focussed on the aquaculture of an edible seaweed (Caulerpa lentillifera, also known as green caviar or sea grapes) in Vietnam. The work was carried out in cooperation with the Institute of Oceanography (IO) and the VIJA sea grape farm.
The Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) in Bremen is the only scientific institute in Germany that exclusively researches tropical and subtropical coastal ecosystems and their significance for nature and humans. Together with its partners in the tropical countries, the ZMT creates a scientific basis for the protection and sustainable utilisation of these tropical coastal ecosystems. The Experimental Aquaculture working group conducts research into the aquaculture of macroalgae, among other things.
Dr Martina Osmers is a lecturer in organic chemistry and project manager of the chemistry school laboratory at the Institute of Organic and Analytical Chemistry at the University of Bremen. In her dissertation, she focussed on the synthesis of a natural substance found in a blue-green algae.
The chemistry school laboratory at the University of Bremen has been in existence for over 20 years and enables school classes to experiment with scientific topics. In the course of the experiments, pupils can familiarise themselves with various scientific methods. The open-plan laboratory of the Institute of Organic and Analytical Chemistry is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and offers pupils an insight into the working methods of researchers.

The visit to the school laboratory
The project is aimed at years 5 and 6 for science lessons and years 10 to 13 for chemistry and biology lessons but is also very suitable for projects relating to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and topics such as climate change, sustainability and nutrition.
The experiments are adapted to the needs of the school classes and age-appropriate modules have been developed so that pupils can familiarise themselves with the organism algae with all their senses during a visit to the school laboratory.
Various experiments on selected topics can be carried out at individual stations. The experiments deal with topics such as nutrition, the diversity of algae, ingredients and photosynthesis.
Teachers receive comprehensive teaching and learning materials in advance to prepare for the experiments in the classroom. After a short safety briefing, they spend a three-hour session in the modern laboratory. Scientists and students supervise the school classes in the laboratory. The theoretical evaluation takes place in the classroom. Interested school classes can register via the Chemistry School Laboratory at the University of Bremen.