As Fund Manager and Advisor we Promote Sustainable Projects through our Foundation.

everyone said it couldn't be done. then someone came along, who didn't know and did it.

our Vision is a world in which technology and capital are used primarily to secure the future for upcoming generations.

Global warming, environmental pollution, species extinction as well as poverty, hunger and lack of education are among the challenges of the 21st century. Enormous capital is required to solve these problems and to initiate sustainable projects. At the same time, we see that global investment capital is being managed more and more inefficiently.

The income from fund management and advisory services is intended to contribute to a better world and protect life on this earth.

our Mission Is to use all our opportunities to have a positive impact.

With 20% of all revenue, we support the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. We finance charitable organisations and projects that demonstrably promote these goals and thus contribute to maintain healthy ecosystems on our planet.

Together we turn Alpha into Impact.

our values

Our values help us to fullfil our mission. They are the basis of our success, shape the way we work and empower our employees to live up to our mission "Alpha for Impact".

social responsibility

“Who cares wins”. That's why we interpret ESG as "a piece of profit", which we are happy to give away to make the world a little better.


We work meticulously and thoroughly. Because the development of algorithms is all about accuracy, unambiguity and clarity.


Our performance is above average. We participate in the added value that the funds generate for our clients.


We commit ourselves with passion. We stand behind what we do and keep what we promise.

what motivates the Founding team

Founder and managing director of Intalcon Foundation gGmbH

Scarlett Eckert

"I experienced first-hand what charitable commitment can achieve during my volunteer work with children in an environmental education center in South Africa. I want to help improve the future prospects of coming generations."

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Scarlett Eckert has a Bachelor's degree in International Management and a Master's degree in Marketing & Sales. After graduating, she worked as a consultant at HPP Strategy and Marketing Consulting in Frankfurt. She has a broad range of domestic and international work experience from well-known companies in various industries such as Daimler, Audi, Marc O'Polo and RTL.

founder and managing director of Intalcon GmbH

Klaus A. Wobbe

"Bridging the gap between the financial world's quest for profit and the major environmental and socio-political challenges of the 21st century is a wonderful mission for me that will hopefully secure a better future for many people."

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Mr. Wobbe trained as a banker and is a marketing specialist. He started his professional career in 1979 at Dresdner Bank. He then gained management experience in various advertising agencies in Bremen and Munich. After studying economics, he founded CWM, Computergestütztes Wertpapier-Management GmbH today Intalus GmbH (Bremen) in 1990, and continues to serve as its managing director. In 1996 he co-founded SystemSoft GmbH (today Tradesignal GmbH) and - in partnership with financial service providers such as Bloomberg and Refinitiv - distributed the Tradesignal software to financial institutions, among others.In 1992 he was a founding member of VTAD, Vereinigung Technischer Analysten Deutschlands e.V. and in 2010/2011 a member of the board of IFTA, International Federation of Technical Analysts.

Co-Founder and Systematic Strategies Specialist of Intalcon GmbH

David Pieper

"Generating outperformance with systematic strategies and doing good at the same time - this combination drives me every day."

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Mr. Pieper started his professional career as an investment advisor and has gained several years of experience in investment research at LBBW, Landesbank Baden-Württemberg. He holds a certificate as a Certified International Investment Analyst (CIIA). He has been involved in technical analysis and the development of rule-based trading strategies for 20 years.

Co-founder Chief Sales Officer of Intalcon GmbH
Managing Director of Intalcon Ltd

Andrew Saunders

"The worlds of finance and sustainability projects have been odd bedfellows. ESG is a great start. My interest in Impact Investing had small beginnings. Moving to the wilds of Scotland and trying to live as ethically and as plastic free as possible showed me just how much we all need to do to really make that difference. I am delighted and relish this important challenge."

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Mr. Saunders holds a degree in Business and Economics from the University of Edinburgh. He represents Intalcon's interests in the UK and USA as a shareholder and Managing Director of Intalcon Ltd, London. Previously, he was Managing Director for Tradesignal Ltd, London for over 10 years and was responsible for the distribution of the trading software Tradesignal in the UK and the USA.

we believe in


Social responsibility and commitment in sustainable projects are success factors in competition and inseparably linked to our business purpose.


More and more investment decisions are made by algorithms because they are more accurate, faster and much more cost-effective.


Anyone who manages assets can and should make systematic investment decisions in order to generate a steady return.


Alpha is a prerequisite for achieving necessary return targets in the future and for being able to compete.


Investment goals can be reconciled with the measures required to achieve sustainability goals and complement each other.


Important decisions such as investments deserve at least the same security standards that have long been taken for granted in many other areas of life.

Return On Investment is the means. sustainability is the purpose.

In everything we do in our company, our pursuit of profit is not based exclusively on financial aspects, but also on social benefits such as the preservation of our livelihood, financial security and social security.

David Pieper
co-founder & Systematic Strategies Specialist,  Intalcon gmbh