Achieve above-average returns (alpha) with algorithms developed by us and applied to your IT environment. Whether in equities, bonds or commodities, financial institutions such as asset managers and fund companies beat the agreed benchmark by an average of up to 5 % per year.
It is now also possible to invest in the UCITS-compliant Intalcon Global Opportunities mutual fund. Professional investors can also invest in the Intalcon Alpha for Impact Global Fund.
Don't settle for the average. Implement our algorithms or take a share in the funds. Both is a win-win situation for all parties involved.
20% of the performance fee and 20% of Intalcon's profits are donated to the Intalcon Foundation to fund projects that support the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.
By investing in our funds or investment strategies, you are helping to improve social and environmental grievances.
Do good. Not only for your own return, but for the preservation of life on our planet. Support our mission "Alpha for Impact".
Our fund advisory company, Intalcon Asset Management has launched the Intalcon Global Opportunities Fund together with the distribution company AGATHON CAPITAL and the service KVG Universal-Investment. The investment decisions are made systematically and are based on algorithms that have been tested and proven in practice over many years and that perform in both trend and sideways phases. In addition to generating alpha, the aim of the fund is to minimise correlation with traditional indices in order to diversify conventional securities portfolios and significantly improve the risk/return ratio.
Fund Details
It is not profit per se that defines the success of our company, but what we can achieve with it. We want to generate social benefits and added value for the environment through our each and every action. This is our interpretation of impact investing. Support us so that Alpha becomes Impact.
You reduce the risk of your entire investment portfolio thanks to diversification.
You generate better yields thanks to systematic decision-making.
They indirectly promote the global goals of the United Nations.
You increase the discipline of your investment decisions.
You gain time because you save years of research and development work.
You reduce your fixed costs regarding personnel and technology.