Pollution of the world's oceans is a well-known problem in our society. The media report almost daily on the fatal consequences of our actions for this unique ecosystem - the largest in the world!
But what are we doing?
In order to preserve our environment for future generations, we need a fundamental rethink in our society. York Hovest shows the answers to the question of what this rethink can look like, what is needed and why! Because they already exist! The thought leaders, the change-makers and those who have dedicated their lives to saving the oceans.

Together with the book and the film, the Heroes of the Seas project gives people an insight into the world of marine conservation - it aims to educate and clarify - and at the same time serves as an opportunity to engage with the problems facing the world's oceans. An impulse to humanity to no longer stand by and watch - but to act. Because raising awareness has always been the best way to get things moving.
In order to preserve our environment for future generations, we need a fundamental rethink in our society. York Hovest shows the answers to the question of what this rethink can look like, what is needed and why! Because they already exist! The masterminds, the changemakers and those who have dedicated their lives to saving the oceans.